Share this postThe A&P Professor Science & Education Updates ✔️ The A&P Professor Science & Education Updates - Issue #136Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore ✔️ The A&P Professor Science & Education Updates - Issue #136Kevin PattonApr 08, 2022Share this postThe A&P Professor Science & Education Updates ✔️ The A&P Professor Science & Education Updates - Issue #136Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareLife ScienceWhat smells we like or dislike is primarily determined by the structure of the particular odor molecule. A collaborative study shows that people share odor preferences regardless of cultural background.A dog gives a protective bark, sensing a nearby stranger. A cat slinks by disdainfully, ignoring anyone and everyone. A cow moos in contentment, chewing its cud. At least, that’s what we may think animals feel when they act the way they do.We take our own lived experiences and fill in gaps with our imaginations to better understand and relate to the animals we encounter.Often, our assumptions are wrong.It was the slap heard round the world. The perfect “Fresh Prince” reference. The slappening. But let’s back up.It's news that literally nobody wants to hear: we're well on the path to yet another wave of COVID-19 cases. But things are different now.MRI brain scans of hundreds of people in the UK taken before and after they contracted COVID-19 reveal changes that persisted months after recovery from the disease, a paper published today in Nature reports.A study looking at the effects of a widely prescribed diabetes drug has linked the medication to an increased risk of birth defects.Teaching & LearningArticle Summary Openly endorse the concept of growth mindset. Be mindful of the feedback you give. Ask students to reflect after assignments. Discuss your own experiences. Talk about “productive failure.” Offer low-stakes assignments.I’ve been teaching college English for more than 30 years. Four years ago, I stopped putting grades on written work, and it has transformed my teaching and my students’ learning. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.TAPP News & NotesWhat to Do When Flooded with New Learning? | Transparency About Models, Analogies, and Color Codes in Science | Should We Extend Deadlines?PreviousNext